Die Luftwaffe gibt eine Stellungnahme zu gefälschten MAGA-Hüten ab, "Kontroverse" und CNN schuldet Trump eine große Entschuldigung

Nach Angaben der US Air Forces Europe erhielt CNN diese Woche in einem Flaum seinen Anti-Trump-Hass.
MILITARY.COM – U.S. Air Forces Europe said troops holding “Make America Great Again” hats during President Donald Trump’s visit Thursday to Ramstein Air Base were not in violation of military rules that prohibit taking part in partisan activities while in uniform.
“There is no rule against Airmen bringing personal items to be signed by the president,” USAFE said in a statement.
More than 200 airmen greeted Trump on Thursday at a Ramstein Air Base aircraft hangar, where the president and first lady Melania Trump were greeted with cheers.
Trump posed for photos, shook hands and signed autographs with airmen during a scene that resembled photo-op visits of former commanders-in-chief in years past. But the public display by some uniformed troops, who held red “Make America Great Again” hats synonymous with Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, prompted widespread criticism on social media. An Air Force captain carrying a Trump banner also was scrutinized.
“There are myriad reasons for both a Department of Defense and an Army Regulation against military personnel participating in or showing allegiance to ANY political party while in uniform,” wrote retired Army Lt. Gen. Mark Hertling on Twitter Thursday. “Good commanders enforce; good NCOs jerk a knot in the (expletive) of those who violate.”
Pam Keith, a former Navy judge advocate general and recent Democratic candidate for Congress in Florida, also opined. “I can tell you that engaging in partisan political activity such as flying a Trump flag or wearing a MAGA hat, while in uniform is a violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice and its implementing regs,” Keith said on Twitter.
USAFE said troops held the hats for signing, but did not wear them while in uniform.
A Defense Department directive states that personnel must refrain from engaging in partisan political activities when in uniform and “should avoid the inference that their political activities imply or appear to imply DoD sponsorship, approval, or endorsement of a political candidate, campaign, or cause.”
However, USAFE said it is unaware of any actions during the event that amounted to a violation of regulations.
“Any time the commander in chief offers the opportunity to meet with Airmen, such as this official holiday visit by the President and First Lady, Airmen are welcome to participate. No policy violations have been brought to our attention at this time,” USAFE said.
Na siehst du. Wenn USAFE sagt, dass ihre Jungs keine Regeln verletzt haben, muss sich CNN bei Trump und den Truppen ernsthaft entschuldigen und das gehen lassen. Es ist lächerlich, dass sie überhaupt ein Problem daraus gemacht haben.

Aber ich würde nicht aufhören, auf diese Entschuldigung zu warten. CNN bevorzugt eindeutig den Jim Acosta-Ansatz, der sich wie ein Trumpfhass-Idiot verhält und sich niemals entschuldigt.


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