Die NY Times will beweisen, dass Trump dem Vietnam-Entwurf so sehr entgangen ist, dass sie jetzt UNBEKANNTE Anschuldigungen veröffentlichen

Die NY Times möchte wirklich beweisen, dass Trump lügt, dass er Knochensporne hat, um dem Vietnam-Entwurf zu entgehen, so dass sie jetzt unbestätigte Berichte von den Kindern von Trumps ehemaligen und verstorbenen Ärzten veröffentlichen:
FOX NEWS –The New York Times
tracked down the daughters of a doctor – who has been dead for over a decade – to report their claims that their dad helped now-President Trump avoid military service during the Vietnam War, despite the paper admitting it couldn’t corroborate the story.In the article now generating controversy, Times investigative reporter Steve Elder explored “a timely diagnosis of bone spurs in his heels that led to his medical exemption from the military during Vietnam.”The 1968 diagnosis has long been a subject of scrutiny in Trump’s record, with few details publicly available and Trump claiming he doesn’t recall the circumstances. But the Times reported that “a possible explanation has emerged” because Dr. Larry Braunstein – who died in 2007 – told his now-anti-Trump children about his role.“His daughters say their father often told the story of coming to the aid of a young Mr. Trump during the Vietnam War as a favor to his father,” Elder wrote.Braunstein’s daughters “shared the family’s account for the first time publicly” for the Times piece and admitted they don’t know whether or not their father actually examined Trump. They said it was a “favor” to Fred Trump, the father of the current president who owned the Queens building Braunstein worked out of.“No paper evidence has been found to help corroborate the version of events described by the Braunstein family,” the Times wrote nine paragraphs into the piece. Buried 30 paragraphs into the feature, the Times casually mentioned that “the daughters, both Democrats, say they are not fans of Mr. Trump.”
Ob Sie Trump glauben oder nicht, es ist erstaunlich, dass die NY Times so etwas veröffentlicht. Sie würden denken, dass „das Aktenblatt“ mehr an Fakten interessiert wäre, als wenn Sie sich darüber trösten lassen, was Klatsch bedeutet.
Aber wieder einmal beweisen sie, dass sie alles versuchen werden, um Trump zu reißen.
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