Graham: Trump erwägt DEAL für "metaphorische" Grenzsicherheit im Austausch für AMNESTY!
Lindsey Graham sagte den Reportern, dass es einen Deal gibt.
Aus CBS News:
Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina urged the White House and Democrats to consider supporting what he called a “breakthrough” compromise on immigration that would allow President Trump to secure his $5 billion demand for border security funds and also codify protections for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and Temporary Protected Status (TPS) holders.“I don’t see Democrats giving us more money, unless they get something,” Graham told reporters outside the White House Sunday afternoon after a two-hour lunch with the president.Graham said he proposed the idea to Mr. Trump, who he said called it “interesting.” He said the deal would entail the White House supporting the Bridge Act, a bill Graham co-sponsored to grant DACA recipients three-year work permits, as well as legislation to extend the legal status of TPS holders. In exchange, Democrats would need to support a spending measure that includes $5 billion in funding for border security.
Aber… Graham sagt, Grenzsicherheit ist keine Mauer, aber eher eine… Metapher
Lindsey Graham: "'The wall' has become a metaphor for border security. ... What we're talking about is a physical barrier where it makes sense."Lindsey Graham: "'The wall' has become a metaphor for border security. ... What we're talking about is a physical barrier where it makes sense."
— Aaron Blake (@AaronBlake) December 30, 2018
Ich meine, Trump drängt schon jetzt nach einem Zaun anstatt nach einer Mauer. Aber ich habe das Gefühl, dass seine Top-Berater, Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity und Tucker Carlson, nicht glücklich sein werden, wenn es durchgeht
Sen. Lindsey Graham: "The wall has become a metaphor for border security"
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