Savannah Guthrie: 'God this is a disgrace'
In the interview with Savannah Guthrie , Nathan Phillips answered that while he was a Marine during the Vietnam War era, he wasn’t deployed there. “What I’ve always said is that I’ve never stepped foot in South Vietnam. I don’t know how much clearer that can be,” he replied.
While he wasn’t “in country,” Phillips felt the shunning effects that veterans were faced with after the war. “When I was discharged May 5, 1976, I was told when I got out: ‘Don’t wear your uniform. Don’t say you’re a veteran people don’t like you out there.'” (Per the VA guidelines, he would still be considered a Vietnam era vet.)
Guthrie has been slammed online for making Phillips defend his service history.
See also: Nick Sandmann talks about the incident at Lincoln Memorial
Nathan Phillips did use ambiguous language with CNN in their interview – “Vietnam times veteran” – but now we have proof that he definitely did not use that same language in a newly found video where he claimed to be a Vietnam Veteran:
— Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) January 24, 2019Nathan Phillips, January 3, 2018
"I'm a Vietnam Vet. I served in Marine Corps 72 to 76. I got discharged May 5, 1976. I got honorable discharge and one of the boxes shows peacetime or, what my box says is that I was **in theater**. I don't talk much about my Vietnam times."
He’s apparently lied to his family members as well:
More Phillips:— Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) January 24, 2019
"I got a relation. A sister, or a niece, she gave me that Vietnam colors flag. You know the yellow, red, black one with some tobacco on there. She wanted me to carry it around because you know her dad, a Vietnam vet too like that."
And of course, he ends up using this phony Vietnam veteran claim to ask for money:
Nathan Phillips, same video as "in theater" Vietnam claims:— Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) January 24, 2019
"Oh yes I would love to have a sponsor for the walk... We have a post office box people can send gift cards and like that, any kind of donations, you can make checks out to Native Youth Alliance or Nathan Phillips."
So there it is. Phillips lied to NBC and of course he’s lied to everyone else about actually being a Vietnam vet.
Dude apparently lies a lot. He clearly lied about what happened at the Lincoln Memorial and now he’s been caught lying about this, and also lying about his lies.
We know the Washington Post has corrected this, but will the rest of the media do so?
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