A empresa de Israel prevê que em um ano eles terão uma cura completa para o câncer!

Esta é uma notícia incrível. Uma empresa de Israel não apenas acredita ter encontrado uma cura para o câncer, mas acredita que daqui a um ano será uma cura completa para todos os cânceres. O medicamento pode estar a poucos anos de estar disponível ao público!


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CBN NEWS – A team of Israeli scientists believes it may have found the cure of all cures to finally end cancer.
“We believe we will offer in a year’s time a complete cure for cancer,” said Dan Aridor, chairman of the board of Accelerated Evolution Biotechnologies Ltd. (AEBi). That’s a bold prediction, and some scientists are urging caution. But here’s how the treatment would work.
“We didn’t want to have another drug like everyone else that would give relief to some cancer patients and then the cancer would come back. We wanted really to cure something like antibiotics,” AEBi CEO Dr. Ilan Morad tells CBN News.
The Israeli scientists studied why previous cancer drugs failed. One reason why cancer drugs fail is because they only attack one specific target in or on one cancer cell at a time. Mutations in the cancer cells make the anti-cancer drugs ineffective.
However, their treatment known as MuTaTo, or multi-target toxin, would use several cancer-targeting peptides on a single cancer cell at once, along with a cancer-destroying toxin.
Dr. Morad says his miracle drug uses an anti-cancer cocktail to ensure “that the treatment will not be affected by mutations; cancer cells can mutate in such a way that targeted receptors are dropped by the cancer.”
“The main thing here is the multiple targeting. So instead of attacking one target at a time we connect together several peptides and we attack several targets at a time. And because of that, the cancer won’t be able – statistically – it won’t be able to escape the therapy and this is what happened with AIDS. And this is what would happen here in cancer,” said Dr. Morad.
Another reason why cancer drugs fail and the disease returns is because the drugs do not destroy cancer stem cells.
“If it does not completely annihilate the cancer, the remaining cells can start to get mutations again, and then the cancer comes back, but this time it is drug resistant,” Morad said.
However, he says MuTaTo is small, flexible, and strong enough to both destroy stem cells and penetrate where other drugs cannot reach.
“This should make the whole molecule non-immunogenic in most cases and would enable repeated administration of the drug,” Morad said.
Morad also said MuTaTo will decrease the side effects of taking anti-cancer drugs “dramatically” because the drug does not target non-cancerous cells. Current cancer drugs can destroy non-cancerous cells, thus creating sometimes severe side effects.
Morad said if scientists could come up with 100 different peptides, they believe various combinations could treat each kind of cancer.
Tratamento de câncer personalizado:
MuTaTo is also a personalized drug. That means cancer patients can give a biopsy to the lab. The scientists will analyze it and give the patient a personalized cocktail of MuTaTo that will specifically destroy their particular cancer.
“Each patient will get his own MuTaTo that will fit perfectly his cancer. He would have almost no side effects and in no time be cured completely because the cancer cells would be completely killed – every one of them,” he said.
Soa realmente como uma droga milagrosa. A empresa concluiu o teste do medicamento em camundongos e planeja iniciar testes clínicos com drogas em breve.
Além disso, o CEO da empresa deixa claro que ele não se importa com dinheiro, que ele só quer curar pacientes com câncer.


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