Senate Intel Committee agree with Republicans that there is no evidence of collusion between Trump’s campaign and Russia

MSNBC: Senate Democrats agree there’s NO evidence of collusion

"We were never going to find a contract signed in blood saying, 'Hey Vlad, we're going to collude,'" one Democratic aide said.
The series of contacts between Trump's associates, his campaign officials, his children and various Russians suggest a campaign willing to accept help from a foreign adversary, the Democrats say.

Trump tweeted Sunday:
Senator Richard Burr, The Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, just announced that after almost two years, more than two hundred interviews, and thousands of documents, they have found NO COLLUSION BETWEEN TRUMP AND RUSSIA! Is anybody really surprised by this?

Democrats love to spin, spin, spin when it comes to Trump. They
want need people to believe that Trump is guilty so they’ll say stuff like this even though there’s no evidence to support their conspiracy theories about collusion.
All that said, it is a big deal that Democrats don’t dispute the actual findings though. And I’m quite sure Trump will be touting this later today on his twitter feed, which he should. Zero evidence is zero evidence and after what he’s been through, the media needs to clear his name. But they won’t.

Some people don't like it:
I’m SHOCKED!! Anyways, this RUSE started with Flynn’s called being leaked. It was all about a narrative... to pressure Trump to resign. It FAILED.
I feel sorry for the NTs and the LEft who bought this RUSE, hook, line, and sinker... talk about eating more crow!! They must be stuffed!!
I wonder what the next narrative will be... anyone want to take a guess???
Where’s Annie?


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