Erin Burnett Out Front guest SHOCKED by video of black protesters SHUTTING DOWN Mayor Pete Buttigieg!

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg addressed a crowd that was protesting the fatal shooting of a black man by a white police officer in South Bend, Indiana.

"We're not a monolithic community. Just because two black people, who happen to be older people, say that, doesn't mean the rest of the black community has to come along" says Keith Boykin about two African-Americans supporting Joe Biden in spite of his controversial comments.

Yeah that is horrible optics for the diminutive mayor, just horrible.
The case they’re angry about is about a cop shooting a black man and killing him in South Bend, Indiana. The cop just happened to have his bodycam turned off at the time, which looks very suspicious.
Whatever happened, it doesn’t look good on little Mayor Pete, and it is definitely gonna have terrible repercussions for his presidential campaign…


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