The View co-host Meghan McCain says Steyer should drop out: ‘I hate that guy — he should drop the hell out’

Meghan McCain called on billionaire activist Tom Steyer to "drop the hell out" of the 2020 race for the Democratic nomination, declaring "I hate that guy." 
McCain, the co-host of "The View," said on the program that Steyer was taking support away from former Vice President Joe Biden in South Carolina, and he should exit the race.
“He’s really hurting Biden in South Carolina,” McCain said. “So, he’s making a dent. And he should drop the hell out. I hate that guy.”
Biden still leads in the RealClearPolitics index of polls with 26.8 percent support in the Palmetto State, but Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) has been closing fast and trails by only 5 points in the aggregate after being more than 20 points down in January. 
Steyer is third in the index of South Carolina polls with 14.7 percent support despite not finishing higher than fifth in any of the first three contests in Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada.  
McCain, the Republican daughter of the late Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), said on "The View" last week that while she wouldn't vote for President Trump, she also hasn't been convinced to vote for any candidates on the Democratic side.

“I would like to know who you are going to vote for. Who are you voting for?” co-host Joy Behar asked her Tuesday.

“Who I vote for is none of your business!" she said. "But I am not voting for Trump, and I sure as hell am not voting for Bloomberg!”

“So you’re not going to vote. So you’re not going to vote. You’re not voting for Trump and you’re not voting for a Democrat. You said that," Behar shot back.

“You know, you guys have done a piss-poor job of convincing me that I should vote for a Democrat," McCain replied as fellow co-host Whoopi Goldberg quickly cut to commercial break.


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