Joy Behar said on "The View" on Monday that inflation and high gas prices were a "worldwide problem" and largely blamed the baby formula shortage on Republicans.
"The View" host Joy Behar said Monday that all Republicans "really care about" is making President Biden look bad during a conversation about the baby formula shortage, adding that inflation and high gas prices were not on him.
"In May, 192 Republicans voted against easing the baby formula shortage with $28 million in emergency spending. Only 12 voted with the Dems," Goldberg said, adding that former President Donald Trump "made sure we can’t get baby formula from Canada because the trade rules that he put in, in the U.S./Mexico/Canada agreement punished Canadian companies if they export too much baby formula here."
Goldberg also said, "thank God" that they closed the Abbott plant after recalling several types of formula, which were linked to illnesses in infants. She slammed the "monopoly" the plant had over the baby formula market and said that Republicans "could have stopped this from happening."
Behar said that
Republicans were voting against "the best interests of their
constituencies" and that all they care about is making Biden look bad.
"That seems to be their M.O.," Behar said. "What do they say? Let's do something to the Libs, own the Libs and make Biden look bad."
Behar pivoted to inflation and gas prices.
"And by the way, inflation is a worldwide problem, he's getting blamed for that. The gasoline is a worldwide problem, yes its $5, $6 here, it's like $11, $12 in Europe. So you cannot blame the president for every single thing," Behar continued.