Mike Pompeo and Bill Todd recall most furloughed employees amid shutdown, finds money...

There had been growing concern that the shutdown would delay refunds worth hundreds of billions of dollars because the money for them wouldn't be available from Congress. But last week, the administration said customary shutdown policies will be reversed to make the money available to pay refunds on time. Looks like the State Department is trying to make the best of a tough situation and has found money to recall most of their furloughed workers, both here and overseas. FOX NEWS – The State Department announced Thursday that it has found funding to recall most of its furloughed employees who have gone without pay since the start of the government shutdown last month. In a statement posted on the State Department’s website, Deputy Under Secretary for Management Bill Todd said the government is making additional funding available to pay the salaries of employees and expects most employees to be back at work starting Jan. 22, with overseas workers starting back Jan...