"Thank God this wasn’t Beto’s day to see the proctologist.” - Brian Williams mocks Beto O’Rourke

“And we know that because he thought it was important enough to share with all of us on social media,” Williams said. “You can imagine the comments, many of them along the lines of ‘Thank God this wasn’t Beto’s day to see the proctologist.” Watch video: “Thankfully, there was no social media in 1974. We know the president went to the dentist, but no one had yet dared to dream that someday, there could be live coverage of a teeth cleaning,” Williams concluded. It's what so many dems dont' get - I dont' want leaders who are 'like me' - I want people who are more experienced, more successful, harder working and with connections and optimism I don't possess. I want people who have succeeded before turning to politics - people who stand up and speak out rather than following the daily talking points....