Rep. Eric Swalwell: The only person caught lying about Russia is the president

This morning we showed you the ridiculous interview with Rep. Swalwell, who claims the phony dossier is ‘factual’ and still believes Trump is a Russian agent. I’m confident that if there were another jihadist attack, Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., would be right there with his fellow Democrats, demanding more legal rights for enemy combatants while his fellow progressive lawyers queued up from Harvard Yard to Guantanamo Bay to volunteer their services to those who’d been detained. After all, as they’ve told us for years, due process for the enemy is part of “our values” – it’s “who we are.” Devin Nunes went on right after Swalwell and responded to his comments. And I have to say, he nails is pretty good. Watch: Nunes actually calls Swalwell a ‘chupacabra hunter’! That’s so perfect, LOL! Here’s more of what he said via the Daily Caller: “No, I actually think you should just give him the entire show because the American people will see what they voted for,” Nunes sa...