Biden senior adviser Gene Sperling talks with Brian Stelter about Biden's plan to curb inflation -- and argues that Republicans have no plan at all.

Biden White House adviser Gene Sperling acknowledged Sunday he didn't feel the pain of inflation and high gas prices as much as those making $50,000 or $60,000 a year, while defending the president's messaging strategy. In an appearance on CNN's "Reliable Sources," Sperling was pressed by host Brian Stelter on whether the administration needed to reevaluate its messaging tactics, noting the recent op-ed on inflation Biden wrote in the Wall Street Journal. "Who really reads op-eds?' Stelter asked. Sperling said that the president's strategy with writing op-eds was that it was him "speaking directly" to the American people. He emphasized it was "tough" and that when gas prices increase, the president's approval rating decreases. "But we have a very strong message about what the American Rescue Plan, what his bipartisan infrastructure plan has done for this economy and the fact that he is the one, not the Repu...