Pics and clips from another hateful ANGRY weekend

Democrats have gotten reelected for decades on end to run big American cities. Many mayors and police chiefs are minorities. If "systemic racism" is rampant in America, how does that explain the systemic progressivism that keeps failing? In the meantime, people who commit crimes are acting. With at least 113 people injured or killed in shootings since George Floyd's death on May 25, some locals are "asking urgent new questions" about the potential effects of defunding the police, the Star Tribune reports. Do these elected officials fail to imagine what could happen if you were to "dismantle" the police force? The consequences of their utopian naivete? A White Marxist at the D.C. "protest" even called a Black officer a "bitch a** n*gga" and talked nasty about his children + family. This is not about Black lives anymore. This is angry, hateful people wanting to destroy the greatest nation to ever exist.