Judge Jeanine: Trump tries to make decisions that are best for you and me

What separates President Trump from every other president, is that he’s not one to hold his finger to the political winds before he makes a decision. Oh boy Judge Jeannine went after Ann Coulter for saying that Trump lied about building the wall when he made the deal with the Democrats to re-open the government. And she defended his making a deal with Democrats to re-open the government. The whole segment is really worth watching, but the end is when she attacks Coulter, at about the 3 minute mark. Jeannine says that Coulter JUST DOESN’T CARE ABOUT REAL AMERICANS like the federal employees who were missing their paychecks, because Coulter is SO RICH. Ironically, this is literally, exactly, what the mainstream media is saying about Trump and his cabinet, like Wilbur Ross!! Jeannine also says that closing the government “tore” at Trump in the first place, but I seem to remember him saying that he was happy to do it, that he would take the blame for it, and that it didn’t m...