Justin Fairfax said “fпck that b!tch” as he tried to discredit his accuser during a private meeting Monday night, sources tell Geoff RBennett and me.

¡El fuego del basurero que es la política demócrata de Virginia se desata! Ahora, NBC News informa que el Vicegobernador Fairfax usó lenguaje profano en una reunión privada al referirse a su acusador: Justin Fairfax said “fuck that bitch” as he tried to discredit his accuser during a private meeting Monday night, sources tell @NBCNews ’ @GeoffRBennett and me. — Jonathan Allen (@jonallendc) February 6, 2019 . @NBCNews has learned that Fairfax used profane language in a private meeting Monday night while referring to the accuser, Dr. Vanessa Tyson. Two sources say Fairfax said of Tyson: “F--- that b----.” Fairfax appears to reference the comments in his new statement. — NBC News (@NBCNews) February 6, 2019 La declaración a la que se refiere NBC News es esta, que twitteado dos minutos antes: In new statement, Virginia Lt. Gov. Fairfax says it is "important" to listen to women when they come forward with sexual assault allegations; says he first lea...