NBC' Ken Dilanian says: SDNY investigation ‘very much alive, a threat to Donald Trump’

On Michael Cohen's testimony, NBC News National Security Reporter notes the Southern District of New York investigation on the President is "very much alive, a threat to Donald Trump." See Also: CNN says Michael Cohen has already LIED under oath about NOT wanting to work in the White House! Cohen dropped a piece of news during the hearing today, suggesting that his conversations with Trump after the raid of his home and businesses are under investigation by the SDNY – and that he was asked not to discuss it: THE HILL – Cohen, Trump’s former personal attorney who is set for a three-year jail term on charges related to financial crimes, estimated that he last spoke with Trump or someone acting on his behalf last fall, though he could not recall a specific date. “I would suspect it was within two months post-the raid,” he said, referring to the April 2018 FBI raid of his home, hotel room and office. Asked what they discussed, Cohen said, “Unfort...