
Showing posts with the label Marco Rubio

Marco Rubio Sworn In as Secretary of State, Pledges to Honor His Family’s Sacrifice and America’s Promise

Marco Rubio was sworn in this morning by Vice President JD Vance as the new Secretary of State. The ceremony, which lasted about eight minutes, marked a historic moment for Rubio and the nation. You can watch the full ceremony below, starting at 20:49. In an emotional and heartfelt event, Rubio spoke of his family’s journey, his gratitude to the nation, and his commitment to serving its people. Taking the oath of office, Rubio vowed to guide the State Department with a simple yet profound test for every decision: “Does it make us stronger? Does it make us safer? And does it make us more prosperous?” The son of Cuban immigrants, Rubio’s story is one of resilience and hope. In his remarks, he honored his parents, who came to the United States in 1956 in search of a better future for their children. Switching to Spanish, he gave thanks to God and to his family, including those no longer with him. “The purpose of their lives was that their children could realize dreams that were not possib...

Marco Rubio sagt, DACA sollte NICHT Teil des Deals sein, um eine Grenzmauerfinanzierung zu erhalten.

Marco Rubio sprach heute Abend mit Fox News über die Notwendigkeit einer Grenzmauer, um die illegale Einwanderung zu bewältigen. In der Diskussion wies Martha Maccallum darauf hin, dass mehrere Trump-Anhänger sich gegen DACA oder gegen eine Amnestie, die im Gegenzug für die Finanzierung der Grenzmauer gegeben wird, äußerten. Überraschenderweise sagte der ehemalige Befürworter des Gesetzes "Gang of 8" im Jahr 2013, er glaube nicht, dass DACA ebenfalls Teil dieses Deals sein sollte. Rubio sagt, egal was Sie über DACA glauben, es sollte nicht als Teil dieses Deals verhandelt werden. Warum? The one thing we should all agree on is that every country in the world has a system by which they monitor or control who comes in, when they come in and how they come in. And the United States should be no different. Every other nation on earth does that. Mexico does it. Guatemala does it. Canada does it. And America should do it. We have a problem on the southern border ...