Acting White House chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney on the impact for the president's agenda

Mick Mulvaney on chances of border security deal, Democrats ramping up investigation of Trump administration. Watch below: He specifically says that Trump will get his wall with or without Congress, which then means that he’s gonna take whatever money the Democrats will give him in the budget talks, and then figure out a way to build his wall however he likes. See Also : "People are going to have their opinions about whatever, and all I can deal with right now is what my heart says." - Gladys Knight defends decision to perform the National Anthem at the Super Bowl AND it sounds like Democrats are ready to give him less than half of the $5.7 billion he’s asking for. If he gets this money then builds the border wall through the executive, it will be a yuge victory for Trump, especially after appearing to cave in the first shutdown battle…. See Also : CNN's John King: Trump is a 'disgrace' for omitting climate change from SOTU address Don’t miss th...