The Morning Joe panel continues its discussion on Elizabeth Warren tries to paint Bloomberg as a racist as Super Tuesday approaches

Sen. Elizabeth Warren attacked Bloomberg over allegations, reported by The Washington Post , that Bloomberg had told a saleswoman to "kill it" after he found out that she was pregnant and then complained about the number of pregnant women at his company. The Post later corroborated the woman's claim, which Bloomberg has denied, with another Bloomberg employee who says he witnessed the exchange, for which the woman sued Bloomberg in federal court. See Also: CNN has just published the audio of the tense conversation between Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren after yesterday's debate That, however, did not stop Matthews from questioning Warren on whether she was sure of the story six times in a span of just over one minute during a post-debate interview. Chris Matthews asks Elizabeth Warren why she believes a female employee who sued Mike Bloomberg for telling her "kill it" when she was pregnant over Bloomberg. "You believe ...