Pam Northam under fire after handing out cotton to visiting students

In a separate statement, Pam Northam said: "The Historic Kitchen should be a feature of Executive Mansion tours, and I believe it does a disservice to Virginians to omit the stories of the enslaved people who lived and worked there -- that's why I have been engaged in an effort to thoughtfully and honestly share this important story since I arrived in Richmond. See Also: Elderly man 'assaulted' while wearing MAGA hat "I have provided the same educational tour to Executive Mansion visitors over the last few months and used a variety of artifacts and agricultural crops with the intention of illustrating a painful period of Virginia history. I regret that I have upset anyone." Here’s what she’s being accused of: A Virginia state employee is accusing Virginia first lady Pam Northam of giving her eighth-grade daughter and another African-American student raw cotton and telling them to imagine being slaves during a tour of the governor’s mansion. ...