Jimmy Acosta: "Democrats don't hate Jewish people. That's silly. Not true."

CNN’s chief White House correspondent opened with a question about whether Trump tried to block AT&T’s merger with Time Warner. After Sanders said she was not aware of any such conversation, Acosta circled back to the situation with “Democrats and Jewish people,” asking if Trump’s rhetoric is “beneath” the American people. “Do you think that the president has thought, at all, going into the 2020 campaign that the rhetoric just needs to be lowered? Whether it’s talking about Democrats, the media, immigrants, or should we just plan on hearing the president use the same kind of language that we heard in 2016 and all through the first couple years of this administration?” Acosta asked. Sanders responded that it’s a shame Democrats won’t come together and condemn anti-Semitic remarks. “I think that is a great shame,” Sanders said. “The president has been clear on what his position is, certainly what his support is for the people and the community of Israel.” Acosta then ask...