Trey Gowdy on Andrew McCabe's claim that the 'gang of eight' did not object to FBI probe of Trump

Former acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe says he briefed congressional leaders about the investigation into Trump; reaction from Fox News contributor Trey Gowdy, former chairman of the House Oversight Committee. watch: WATCH More : Today Show host holds Andrew McCabe’s feet to the fire and it’s AMAZING! This is incredible, and it’s something you just don’t see much from the liberal media in our day. In an interview this morning, Today Show host Savannah Guthrie actually put Andrew McCabe on the spot with regard to his being fired from the FBI, asking him why he should be believed now when he was fired for lying. And then when he began to squirm and spin, she called him out on it! Guthrie used Rosenstein’s accusation that McCabe is lying to begin this line of questioning. When she put him on the spot about his being fired from the FBI, that’s when it got interesting. He first blamed all of this on Trump attacking him, and said he believed he...