‘The View’ slams Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade as liberal hosts declare they’re ‘pro-life’

"I don’t believe in abortion at any time," Sunny says. "This has always been a very difficult discussion for me, but what is not difficult for me is the fact that this is an activist Supreme Court and they should not be deciding the law based on their faith." server Rumble server Dailymotion server Youtube Video Post By Học Để Thi | Breaking News, Latest News and Videos Tranganhnam.xyz "The View" bashed the Supreme Court's ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade before several liberal cast members declared they were actually "pro-life," although not all of them appeared to have the same definition for the term. The hosts first learned of the news that Roe v. Wade, a 1973 landmark decision that granted federal protections for abortion, was overturned while on a flight to the Bahamas to tape their show th...