Tom Perez baring Fox News from hosting 2020 Democratic Primary debates.

Chris Wallace, anchor of Fox News Sunday, spoke to Brian Kilmeade about Chair of the Democratic National Committee Tom Perez baring Fox News from hosting 2020 Democratic Primary debates. See Also: DNC Chair bans Fox News from hosting Democratic debates! Here’s more ridiculousness from Democrats trying to make Fox News look like it’s somehow worse than every other MSM media company in the country that sucked up to Obama for eight years. DNC Chairman Tom Perez has just announced that he’s banning Fox News from hosting any Democratic debates because he doesn’t think they can be ‘fair’. Seriously. NEW: DNC Chair Tom Perez: "Fox News will not serve as a media partner for the 2020 Democratic primary debates." — NBC News (@NBCNews) March 6, 2019 What a joke. There were Democrats in the media CRYING when Obama got elected in 2008 (we were crying too, but for a different reason) and then proceeded to give him a pass on almost everythin...